Revenge Games

Some Couples Play the revenge game to spice things up.

If He/She pushes your limit at his/her time, you can do the same at your time.

Pinch for Pinch, Tease for Tease , Fuck for Fuck, Slap by Slap, Flog by Flog ….etc.

And you can even push it harder 🙂


Lifestyle Rules

Some Couples set weekdays rules for the bedroom games to be as follow:

  1. Each of the Partners has 3 weekdays to rule, so at anytime they started a game, the dominant one will be according to the day. The free day is negotiable.
    • Example:
      • The Male Partner has Saturday, Monday, Wednesday
      • The Female Partner has Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
      • So once they play on Tuesday, The Female will rule
      • So once they play on Saturday, The Male will rule
  2. Some Couples set more Rules to the one above:
    • If it wasn’t your day, you can’t initiate the game
    • If it wasn’t your day, and you want to initiate the game because you are hungry to it, you must do the dominant a favor as he/she asks for.
    • If it was your day, you can initiate the game anytime as you like; this increases the game thrill.